
 Celebration and Cream

Tea: Honey Orchid Dancong Hongcha

Dosage: 4g

Output: 120g

Brewer: 美子's tea pot

Brew temperature: 91°C


November is here. Our favourite month. First week was filled with sweet gestures. Happy Birthday to us!

Hong Yuan from Pekoe and Imp sent over an adorable tea pot. A piece by taiwanese potter 美子, purely made by hand pinching. The size, the shape and the texture is beautiful. This is our first tea ware and we swear to take the best care of it! The next morning, we brewed some Honey Orchid Dancong Hongcha gifted by Hong Yuan as well. Using the pot itself is a pleasure, the profound lychee and rosewater notes just elevates everything! Interaction with Hong Yuan is always humbling as she is one of the most genuine people we know. Her narrative keeps drawing us into this tea adventure, without any sense of humiliation. This approachable manner reminds us of Miku from Rebel Rebel Wine Bar. Warm service. Unpretentious sharing. Immense passion. We just love it.

Back in roastery, celebration started with a birthday zi char meal. Jason, Brendan and Darren sang us a birthday song. This is the second year they have witnessed us grow older. Brothers at work. Truly. Alexis then appeared with a whole cake, ribboned up. We got a black sesame matcha cake and shared this delicious blessing with friends throughout the week. We have to mention our favourite husband and wife, Mich and Daryl. Every Thursday, we catch up on things and share good finds. This week, Mich passed us some  good ol' chocolate chip cookies she baked! Pretty sure Leon (their cute boy) lent her a hand.

There's more. Yesterday, our friends from Simple Cafe threw us a little party in their shop. Special donuts, cookies box and champagne. We wonder what we have done to deserve such treats! Joining us was Chris. Her birthday is just one day before ours (Scorpions rock). Chris and Jack (absent due to 2 pax dine-in rule) got us a Fellow Carter mug in pastel pink, which instantly turned us into the happiest kid. We used to work together but not for too long. They are off to something else but this precious bond with them is what we wouldn't trade anything for.

Oh yes. Before the week ended, Leonard from Dopa Dopa Creamery dropped us some kickass gelato himself. That effort scored an 'A+' and the goodies he sent over? Unbeatable, as usual. Aunty Angie and Uncle Hon Wah are more than ready for the feast back home.

What a happening week but celebration is never tiring.

luli roasts.